
Brule Creek Farms
Contact: Kevin Belluz, local distributor for Jeff Burke
City: Kakabeka Falls, ON, P0T1W0
Phone: 807-933-0570
About Us
Jeff bought a small parcel of land and began Brule Creek Farms in 2008. He planted 17 acres of wheat and began construction of the flour mill. By mid-November, construction was complete and the crop was harvested. They began milling their wheat flour and selling it at the Thunder Bay Country Market.
He now farms 260 acres of wheat, rye, and canola and make a variety of different types of flours, baking mixes, and cold pressed canola oil. They market to a variety of different stores, restaurants, bakeries and farmers markets across Northwestern Ontario.
He now farms 260 acres of wheat, rye, and canola and make a variety of different types of flours, baking mixes, and cold pressed canola oil. They market to a variety of different stores, restaurants, bakeries and farmers markets across Northwestern Ontario.
We grow our own cereal grains using a combination of conventional and traditional techniques. We mill the grains using heritage stone milling techniques to create a local flour with a distinct taste and texture.