
Cherry Lane
Contact: Kevin Belluz, local distributor for Smith Family
Address: 4230 Victoria Avenue Vineland Station, ON, L0R 2E0
Phone: 905-562-4337
About Us
Since 1907, Cherry Lane has been providing pitted tart cherries, tart cherry juice concentrate, and a variety of other fruit products to consumers. The members of the Smith family have always been proud to be Ontario fruit farmers. We are especially pleased when scientific studies confirm what we have always known to be true: Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate is good for you.
One of Niagara’s many hidden gems, Cherry Lane is a fruit farm with a twist. It is a generations-old family farm that not only grows tart Montmorency cherries (the best for making pies) but also runs a large canning operation. In fact, we are the largest supplier of canned and frozen fruit in Niagara. We acknowledged the hard work and dedication of our Jamaican employees. Many of whom have been coming to our farm for decades and some have even reached 40 years of farming with us. We consider our employees part of our family and our business would not be a success without them.