
Fisherville Greenhouses & Canadian Ginger Co
Contact: Kevin Belluz, local distributor for Mueller Family
Address: 294 Concession 5 Rd. Fisherville, ON,
Phone: 905-779-0710
About Us
Fisherville Greenhouses is a family owned business located in Fisherville, 20 minutes south of Hamilton, ON. We began Fisherville Greenhouses 6 years ago growing grape tomates and beefsteak tomatoes. In 2010 we started growing a variety of other produce and began offering the CSA. An expansion was required fall 2011 to keep up with demand from the local communities and businesses. We appreciate the local support and have been very pleased with the growth opportunity. We are proud to say that Fisherville's Finest holds the title of Best Beesteak Tomato for the past two years running in the greenhouse capital of North America. We encourage you to come and try them for yourself.
Our farm focuses on growing a variety of quality produce with minimal environmental impact. Nutritionally, fresh local produce is surpassed by nothing else. Fisherville Greenhouses takes the responsibity of providing safe growing practices very seriously. In both the team that works with us and the processes that we use, nothing is more important that ensuring healthy, clean products to feed to your family and ours.